
I was inspired recently by my sister in law as she is turning 30 this year and she listed some significant things that have happened in her 20’s.  It made me think, what have the last (almost) 10 years on my life looked like.  Facebook is a wonder for this stuff as I scrolled through the years and looked at all the interesting (and not so interesting) things that I had posted about I was reminded about many things that I had forgotten about.  It is amazing what kind of perspective this brings to looking over the last 10 years of my life as it gives the most beautiful perspective.

It really is a wonder this life we live.  It has not always been very fun or easy but it is blessed.. of this I am sure!

So here is a brief look at some of the things (interesting and not so interesting) that I have done over the last 10 years.  I have left out some very big things because not everything needs to be shared publicly.  I could add a lot more to this list but for now this is enough.

MY 20’s explored . . .  Continue reading “TIME.”


FullSizeRender I have traveled quite a bit in my 28 years.  Traveling has always been a big part of our family life.  I grew up going to the airport in the middle of the night because my Grandmother was taking off to some far away land or arriving home.  We always loved these trips.  In hindsight I love even more that my parents thought it necessary in the middle of the night to drag their kids out of bed and to the airport to welcome home their grandmother from her many adventures.  To some that might seem irresponsible, but I find it wonderful and showing a value for family.  I mean who doesn’t love to arrive home from a trip or head off on a trip and have the people you love there with you ? Continue reading “Travel.”